Monday, July 07, 2008

Knee Jerk Reactions VS Inner Peace

I have moments where I'm so completely zen and at one with every energy around me, it amazes me. I do, however, have the "knee jerk" reactions sometimes. They happen FAR less frequently than they used to. One year ago, the knee jerk was the only reaction I had. Now, I try to be more loving and kind, no matter what's happening. We are, after all, connected to everyone and everything around us.

Well! When someone does something that's totally inconsiderate, it bothers me. I'm learning to find peace in these moments.... I'm growing. When someone does something that's totally inconsiderate and then lets you know that they KNOW they're being inconsiderate and that they did it just to be a jerk....?.... That more than bothers me! That makes me so darn mad that I feel like I could just spontaneously burst into flames. I'm learning to find peace in these moments too. I'd have to admit though, that the process has been a little slower in this area. But, hey... ya have to get a grip of the small things first. No mountain climber has ever started with Everest!

So.... here's what happened to me today!

I took my boys to the local elementary school playground this morning. They went off to play (it's SO cool that they're older now!) and I was going to sit in the truck and listen to the book on CD I'd brought along. It was about 10am. The sun was warm and inviting and the birds were chirping and I felt so calm, so instead of doing what I'd planned to do, I grabbed the towel in the back seat (never know when the beach could happen!) and folded it to sit on, and climbed in the bed of the truck. I sat cross legged in the yoga "easy pose" and turned my face into the sun and meditated for about 15 minutes. I felt SO fantastic when we left there! Totally at peace.

We were almost home and we came up to pass the truck stop and a semi pulled out RIGHT in front of me. I was the only vehicle on the road. There was no one else to wait for, but he pulled out from a complete stop and made me stop in the middle of the road and wait for him. This used to wind me up pretty good, but I've been looking at it from a different perspective lately. I figure, it can't be easy to pull 85,000 pounds that's 30 feet long out into traffic, and I keep my peace. Even when there's no one else on the road!! I figure, well, some people just don't realize the impact they have on others, and I keep my peace.

This guy though!! THIS guy pulls out and makes me stop, and I looked up at him as he came around, and he looked me right in the face, grinned, and gave me the finger!!!

I did something I've never done before in my life. I smiled at him... the warmest, friendliest smile I have.. and made the peace sign with my left hand out the window. This was absolutely a divinely inspired action! I've never thought to do ANYTHING like that before, but when I saw him, it just happened! The look on his face made me laugh. I've never been able to react from such a peaceful place before.

AND just a few minutes ago, as I was writing this story, I realized something funny. I made that vision board on Sunday morning and posted a picture of it. The peace sign is for increasing my inner peace! I guess the universe got my request! MAN, I just went and looked at that post from Sunday to paste the link and I'm going to have to end this post and start another LOL!!! See you there!!



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