Friday, April 03, 2009

The Link Between Cleanliness & Godliness

~ A wonderfully wise contributor to an LOA forum I'm a member of said in one of her posts ~

"LOA exercises are not rocket science. Be a little imaginative & most
of all consistent.
But the bottom line is this: You can do all the
prosperity exercises & affirmations, but if you are roaming around
in sweat pants, unkempt hair, cluttered home .. you are negating the
prosperous vibes. Every moment of your life should represent abundance ..
tidy home, nice decor (whatever you can afford & surround yourself with),
neat appearance etc. etc."

I love the part about sweat pants and an unkempt home!

I don't think a lot of people realize what their immediate surroundings and personal appearance contribute to their mental/emotional well being and vibration. I've always been a touch to the lazy side myself. I call my home, "lived in" because that best describes it. Not UN clean, but even though I'm a homemaker who doesn't work outside of my home, I can't bring myself to clean the way society dictates that I'm SUPPOSED to.

Don't get me wrong. If someone called me and said, "I'll be there in 15 minutes!", I could totally whip the living areas (living room, dining room & kitchen *all connected at my house*) into company presentable shape, but there is dust bunnies in the corners and MAN do my ceiling fans need cleaned. Anyway.... yes, I am going to make a point lol... I used to be worse.

Back in the beginning of my Law of Attraction and Spiritual discoveries, I was searching online for tips on organization because I was feeling very overwhelmed in my messy state of living.

I found Fly Lady.

Fly Lady helped me to find some semblance of order in my surroundings. Over the years, I've worked on being more organized and clutter free and clean..... but also on accepting myself as I am and only moving toward change when I was doing it simply in the pursuit of joy. In other words.... I worked on training my habits into a more organized way of being.... but only because I knew I would find relaxation and joy in the organized cleanliness.

I'd always cleaned because it's messy AGAIN and no one else is picking it up and *martyr* complain* whine* resist*. Now I clean because I want to bless my home. I want to cast a spell of organized peace and spiritual free flow on my home. I want to create, in my home, a space for all the wonderfully positive energies of the Universe to channel into my life and permeate the physical space that I hold sacred and personal.

It sure changes the way you feel about cleaning when you shift your perception on it. I know I've mentioned this before, but I also LOVE to "clean to the tune of gratitude". This is when, say, as I vacuum the carpet.... I embrace thankfulness for the abundance of shoes that we own that brought all the dirt in and the wonderful little feet that occupied some of those shoes!.... and my most awesome dog, Charlie... who is the best dog I've ever met in my life... he tracks a lot of that dirt in and I couldn't be happier that he does... He brings such light into my life.. he can track in all the dirt he wants to!... and the MAN.. the gratitude I feel in my heart for the man who tracks grease onto my carpet when he comes back home to me at night is enough to reduce me to tears if I focus fully upon it.

I WANT to clean my house! It's like walking around and taking stock of all the amazing abundance that I have in my life. When I've finished cleaning and I sit down and look around... I feel more bliss than I can express.

I'm just not a perfectionist. There are things on my table and dishes on the counter and there's a towel on the bathroom floor and shoes strewn about the front door and I REALLY need to vacuum. These things used to cause me stress. They were just more crap I had to do. A source of stress because I felt like I wasn't good enough because I couldn't seem to manage to stay on top of these things.

Now, I'm thankful that we can afford the pile of shoes and I give them away to anyone who needs them when my kids grow out of them (they grow so darn fast at times, I've given away nearly new shoes!). If there's a pile of clothes that needs folded, I don't worry about it... but I focus on how blessed we are to have them all and that I even own a washer and dryer to get them all clean and how I was able to give away my old dryer when we moved here because it was gas and we needed an electric, so we were able to buy a brand new electric one and blessed someone elses home with a nearly new gas dryer that they needed.

SO ANYWAY..... (I know I'm long winded... it's endearing... love me for it! lol)...

And the sweat pants... While being vain may not be the best... it does help one much to look at themselves in the mirror with acceptance and affection and appreciation. This is easier to do if you maintain an appearance that is pleasing to you. You know when you look good. You also know that when you feel like you LOOK good... it boosts your self confidence. You are the MASTER of your Universe. And whether you create strong, confident, joy filled WIZARD or meek, weak willed, self deprecating couch potato can very easily stem from your appearance and how the way you see yourself makes you feel. Fly Lady also covers this a bit.

I'm not saying I got ALL of this from Fly Lady.... but it was a jumping off point for me.

Her site is mainly about how not everyone was born organized and how the rest of us who struggle with our organizational skills can keep up and feel good about it. She has a yahoo group but it's not a discussion group. It's an email reminder mailing that comes throughout the day to help you in your quest for peace and lack of clutter.

If anyone has trouble with keeping their home de-cluttered or organizational skills I very highly recommend this site. If you look around your house and don't like what you see... you are not alone... everybody's houses don't look as clean as the ones on tv either LOL.

But the way you feel about your surroundings could easily block your conscious LOA success. I don't subscribe to fly lady anymore... I simply don't need to anymore... but she really did help me... and I KNOW that my home was a spot that was blocking my progress because as soon as I got a handle on it...and got a handle on how I FELT about it by shifting my perception on it a bit... It all started flowing a LOT easier for me.

Now I'm manifesting rather quickly. I've been pretty happy with myself and my manifestations in the last few days partly because I'm manifesting very cool things but mostly because they're on a larger scale than my norm and they're manifesting at a speed that's really got me struck (I know... ME.. speechless... what are the chances!?!) BUT.. that's a whole different post...


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