Friday, January 23, 2009

I Am So In Love & Grateful

Hello Friends!

Yesterday was one official week that our new dog Charlie, that I rescued from the APL, has been here with us. I am so (as the title suggests!) in love with this dog.

As a rule, I hate dogs. I've never met a dog that I liked for more than 10 minutes. I'm an animal lover in general, so I'm very kind and gentle with ALL animals, but dogs just rub me the wrong way. You can't stand in front of one without having your private areas totally explored.... most dogs you can't pet without being licked to death (I can't STAND being licked by a dog!).... they jump all over you, no matter what's on their feet.... they bark at EVERYTHING and always start when you want them to be quiet most... they get excited and pee.... you can't pet a MALE dog too much without finding out just how much he likes it.... I'm just not a dog person and I never have been. I love cats. I have 2.

If I don't like dogs... why on EARTH did I go looking for one?!?!

The truth is, lately, I've found myself feeling unbearably lonely. The kids go off to school.... Hubby goes off to work.... and here I am.. alone. There are multiple reasons that I'm not going to go into for me being unable to get a job. I've wanted to find a job for a couple years now, but the main reason I don't is because my family demands so much from me, that I WILLINGLY give, that I can't see me splitting my time like that. But still, I'm lonely.

I don't have any friends that are home during the day that I can spend time with and the loneliness I've been feeling has been getting heavier and heavier on my heart. I decided, out of desperation really, that I wanted a dog. A specific dog. A beagle. An adult beagle that doesn't lick or invade my personal privacy every time I'm within reach. One that doesn't lick excessively or chew things or bark. One that will get along with my 2 cats, and one that my 2 cats can tolerate. My cats are very "Queen of the House!" type cats. As a rule, they don't like other animals. We've fostered other dogs and we've had other cats and both of my girls are very hissy and unfriendly towards them.

Then (as I wrote about previously) about 1 week after I decided I wanted this specific dog... on 1/11, on the full moon.... the signs seemed pretty big to me... and I went to the A.P.L and there, in cage #11 was a 4 year old beagle named Copper (the name of one of our previous dogs). The only thing that I wanted that he didn't fulfill is that I'd wanted a female, simply because girls don't do that THING that boy dogs do when ya scratch their bellies, wink wink. But this dog was neutered and they told me he shouldn't do that thing.

So here we are, one full week later. Well, one week not counting the 4 days he spent on the run (See the "Everything Happens For a Reason" post). One full week from the day we got him back. I can't believe how PERFECT he is. If you'd told me a month ago that I would get a dog and love him so completely, I wouldn't have believed it.

We walk 1 mile, 2 times a day together. He hangs out on the couch with me and watches TV. He only barks when he has to go out. He's gentle and loving, yet playful and funny. He loves riding in the van and I take him everywhere with me. The kids love him, my Husband loves him, and believe it or not (I still don't quite believe it and I definitely don't understand it) my cats take no issue with him. He sniffs them and plays with them a little. They'll hiss if he starts to get rough and they feel threatened, but honest to GOD.... they don't even seem to care that he's here. I'd have never believed it if I wasn't seeing it with my own eyes.

It's things like this that happen to me that continue to reinforce my belief in the law of attraction... or really, intention/manifestation. I didn't focus on anything... I didn't obsess or visualize or go to any great lengths to find this unbearably perfect dog. I just decided that I wanted a dog and what I wanted him to be and HOW I wanted him to be. I prayed and asked for him, intended to have him and then I told my Hubby, in these exact words... "I've decided to allow a dog to come into my life so I can love him." One week later, he was here. And one week after that, I couldn't love him more.

So, that's my latest success story. I see minor things happen so constantly I don't even notice them anymore at times, but this was HUGE for me. I'm still in awe.

Happy manifesting :)


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