Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Most Profound "Ah-Ha" Moment of My Life!

Please forgive me for how long I know this post is going to be. I've had one of the most profound moments of realization today. I've seen so many posts recently from people floundering in their lives and having such a hard time with LOA and I just know this experience will bouy their faith.

Abraham says:
People want to go from sick to well, from negative to positive, from mis-aligned to aligned.... right now, this instant... but you can't do that. Energy must be moved a little at a time. That is why you should always reach for the better feeling thought. Eventually the best feeling thought will be your default. Then you will be in alignment and things will flow right to you.
(I'm not quoteing here... I'm summing up LOL)

Here is a brief (brief as I can) story about why I know that is true.

I started looking for God when I was 19 and met my Hubby.
(OMG Just typing that just gave me another AH HA!!)
My Hubby didn't believe in God. Period. "God is an invisible man that people blame their lives on to avoid taking responsibility for themselves."
(My AH-HA was: My Hubby and I started our marriage with opinions on God that were polar opposites and through eachothers thought contrast, we've both found "Truth".... *I hear the words everything happens for a reason echoing in my head*)


I started looking for "God" when I was 19 and met my Hubby.

I was raised Free Methodist and had the religion fundamentals instilled in me. When I was 7, my Gram moved and no one made me go to church anymore, so I stopped going. I always believed in the basic ideas... don't steal, don't kill, love your brother, be a good person, etc... But I was raised "old school" religion... Gram taught me.... women wear dresses and you don't wear make-up and you don't do ANYTHING on Sunday...EVER!... The more "hard core" kind of doctrine that is usually responsible for the beliefs of the "Bible thumpers" that chase you down and try to "save your soul".

I left religion behind because even at 7-8 years old, I couldn't quite unterstand why God, who they told me was all encompassing, all knowing, all loving, creator of everything I can see, and even things I can't... why would he care if we wore make-up or pants? In his infinite wisdom of all that is... wouldn't me saying a swear word be insignificant? So I went away from church, and at 19, I started looking for God again.

I began looking into all kinds of religions trying to figure out where I fit in. I learned all kinds of very interesting things about lots of religions, but I couldn't make my peace and truely believe what they believed. It seemed to me that the Buddhists had the best take on things, but I just couldn't see "worshipping" the way they do. Buddha was still a man. That was my issue with Jesus also. Why did I have to find God by worshipping a man?

Then I had a dream that changed my life. I had an online friendship with a married couple that lived in England. We were members of an online Yahoo pool league and chatted outside the league sometimes. Long story short... I dreamed that the husband's sister called me asking if he was here. I told her no, took a message, and went next door (from Ohio to England LOL) and told the husband that his sister called and said she really needed him to call her. She said it involved a great distance. While I was at their house, the husband was holding a baby wrapped in a blue blanket whom he kept referring to as "My Boy".

When I woke up in the morning, I knew in my heart (although this had never happened before) that I had to get online and tell this man to call his sister. I ended up online with his wife. I told her about the dream and she was FLOORED! She said that her husbands only sister, who he hasn't talked to in 7 years, had called one hour before (STUPID 5 HOUR TIME DIFFERENCE!) and told him that she was stopping to see him on her way out of town. She was moving to Africa the next day!!!!! AAAAAAAAAND.... She also told me that the two of them had decided to try for a boy one last time (they had 2 girls) and she was 1 day late for her period. She took a pregnancy test while we were talking and it was positive. Nine months later, they had a baby boy. All during her pregnancy, she called me "Psychic to the Stars" LOL.

So now I became slightly obsessed with dreams. I was really into lucid dreams and psychics. While browsing online looking at sites about "developing psychic powers" I happened across and if you've never been there, I highly recommend it. It's a personal developement site and it's fantastic.

Steve Pavlina's site is the first that introduced me to "intention manifestation" I got pretty good at getting the synchronicities going right after I'd set an intention, but that's where it all seemed to fizzle. It wasn't really a lifestyle for me. More or less, it was just something fun to play with.

Then I found Steve's article on "subjective reality vs objective reality" and I was introduced to the concept of being God. He uses a video game analogy. How even though while playing, you identify yourself with the avitar in the game, it isn't you. The real you is outside the game giving the avitar what he needs to win. I probably didn't say that all that well, but you get the point.

By this point, I was about 26. For the next 3 years, I practiced looking on the bright side. I used intention manifestation almost as a game. I never got more than a couple synchronicities so it didn't mean alot to me. It was mostly just fun. When I tried for bigger things, I was always disappointed so I stopped trying. I always believed in karma. What goes around, comes around.

I had come to think of "God" as... The Universe.

Deep breath! I'm almost done LOL! It's faster from here.

(Sept of 2007)

My weight hit 205 pounds. I'm 5' 10" tall, and I carried it well. No one ever believed I weighed what I did, but I knew, and I wasn't happy about it. Losing weight after babies can be so hard. I was determined to get a grip on my life though, so I joined a gym and changed the way my entire family eats. I started being much more respectful of my body. I was more aware of what I put in it and I started to feel really good about the exercise I was getting.

The gym I joined was a "women only" kind of place. I thought it would be nice to be around and meet other women. It turned out to be a place where all these women got together to endlessly complain to eachother about anything and everything. I had set a goal for myself. I wanted to weigh 160 by my birthday in April. One day while working out, I was chatting with a couple of women and we got to talking about why we joined the gym. I said that I wanted to be at my goal weight by the time I turned 30. When women turn 30, their whole body changes. Our hormones shift, gravity starts to kick in, wrinkles usually start to appear... and above all, losing weight gets HARDER! they started making fun of me. "Oh yeah... you're so ooooold!!!" "Hope you can afford the gym on your social security check" etc... That lead into... "Wait till you turn 40... 50... (these were older women) THEN you'll know what old is!" they said.

They gave me a hard time for about 5 minutes. Just mocked me and made fun. I just exercised and smiled. Finally I said..."Hey, I'm not saying I'm old... I'm just saying I accept my age. I can't change it. No amount of complaining will make me younger. Besides, each stage of life is great for different reasons. How can you enjoy the stage you're in if you don't first accept that you're there?"

And that moment was my first shift. (January 2008)

I learned that acceptance is key. My own words rang in my head the rest of the day. "How can you enjoy where you are if you don't first accept that you're there?" I thought about my husband, kids, life.... I accepted those things. I also accepted my body. I decided I was going to start each day being thankful for everything I have. And I did. Every morning, I woke up and said a brief prayer in thanks for another day and everything in my life.

After a month or so of doing this, I started to get this weird feeling. Everytime I read about religion or spirituality or LOA (I'd watched the Secret by now) I had this peculiar feeling like I was sitting right on the verge of something unexpected and big. Not a THING, but an idea or an epiphany of some sort.

A short time later, I heard Oprah talking about her webcast with Eckhart Tolle and his book "A New Earth" on tv and I was captivated! I didn't even WATCH Oprah! I went online and watched all 10 webcasts. They were on like, the final 2 webcasts by the time I learned of it, so I watched them all within a couple days. I ordered the book online by webcast 3, and watched them all before the book even got here. Then it arrived and I read it twice! This was it. My epiphany!

This was my second shift. (April 2008)

I learned to live my life NOW instead of in tomorrows or yesterdays.
Eckhart's book just blew my mind. This was it. I knew I was reading the truth. I began living my conscious life.

I started to meditate every night before I went to sleep. I'd lie in bed on my back, eyes closed, relaxed, and just FEEL my hands and feet. Feel the life, the energy under my skin. It didn't take long (maybe a week or 2) before I could feel my own energy all over my body, and manipulate it. I'd move it around and build it up and wind it down.

(So now, I'm meditating on my energy at night and saying prayers of thanks every morning. I've completely accepted my life and my current place in the world. And I've begun to live as much of my life as I can, in the NOW.)

Within weeks, I found Abraham-Hicks on youtube and started to watch. I enjoyed the book, "The Astonishing Power of Emotions" but in my opinion and experience, you don't really get the full impact of Abraham's message untill you watch Ethster channel Abraham and hear their words.

(End of May 2008)

I heard a Beatles song on the radio. I became mildly obsessed with the Beatles. LOL I downloaded a ton of Beatles tunes and started listening to them constantly. Around the same time, I asked the Big U to hook me up with some like minded people. Within 2 days, I found this very LOA group. And within the first day of my joining, someone posted the lyrics to "All You Need is Love". I knew I was in the right place, and thanked the Big U for the sign ;)

Again, I started to get that funny feeling. I was on the verge of something again. This time I was excited about it! Last time this happened, it changed my life.

This time I grabbed a hot meat thermometer and gave myself a MINIMUM of a second degree burn on my thumb and forefinger. It was by far, the worst burn I've ever had. And I've cooked in restaurants since I was 14! Three days after I got the burn, it was healed to the point that all that was left was a slight line around the outter edge of where the HUGE blisters had been. By the morning of day 4, it was like it had never happened. I realized that while I was feeling the energy in my hands and manipulating it at night when I'd meditate, I'd healed my burns. Wanna talk about leaving yourself speachless.

This was my third shift. (June 2008)

I learned that energy is all there is, and I am the master of my own energy. This experience showed me that I am a powerful being, beyond anything that anyone had ever taught me before.

(Notice how the shifts are happening more frequently. I'm in the zone! And they're all things I already knew on an intellectual level)

I walk 2 miles every morning. My kids are on summer vacation, so I can't get away to the gym. I walk the outter perimeter of our yard. Eight times around is 2 miles. I have a big yard. LOL!

So, I'm walking one morning, and clear as day, I heard a voice say to me.... "What would make you happy today? Always ask."

Yeah, now I'm hearing voices. I know... But I started to ask.

I wake up in the morning, say my prayers of thanks, and ask myself.... What would make you happy today. Oddly, I found that most of the things that I feel like I HAVE to do, I still do. I think... Well, it would make me SO happy to have a nice clean kitchen today! Suddenly chores aren't so dreaded anymore. I'm actually making myself happy by doing them! What a concept!

(More practice for living in the NOW and going with the flow!)

In the end of July, I read and reposted "Raising Children: Why Do We Have to Make Them Miserable?"

This was my fourth shift (July 2008)

I learned that you can't make people do what you want them to. If they're happy doing whatever they're doing, then who am I to take that away from them?! I am seeking peace and joy in my life, and essentially, so is every other living thing on the planet. It's not acceptable for me to take someone elses joy away. Find a way to share in the joy around you or move your joy to a place that feels more aligned to the experience you're seeking to have.

This brings us to August.

I wrote a New Moon Check for $500 on the first. On the third, my son pointed out (on a completely different subject) that there's 5 Fridays this month. There's my $500. That was quick.

Then on the third, I asked the Big U for some time alone. My Hubby was gone to the county fair with our kids for half the week. Wow!

Then on the nineth, I found the mini van from my vision board. WOWW!

On the tenth, I was taking my morning walk and heard that voice again. This time it said... "Are you ready for the shift? Because if you're not ready, it can't happen." Well, that was an odd thing to say. I don't get it... I thought, puzzled.

The eleventh was when I started seeing the posts popping up on this group about resistance and it seemed like suddenly so many people were having such a hard time. My heart was really going out to everyone, but I didn't know what to say.

On the twelfth, after my walk and shower, I was dressing in my room and heard the voice. It said, "You will live the exact life you want to live." That was a very profound statement. And it sunk in to the point that it brought tears to my eyes when I acknowledged the powerful truth in it. Moved to tears... that's new.

This morning I was walking in the yard and that silly little, make me feel like a crazy person, voice was there again. Again I heard, "Are you ready for the shift? Because if you're not ready, it can't happen." I suddenly had that really giddy weird feeling again.
Somethinng's gunna happen!

I decided that painting my porch would make me happy today. Painting can be very meditative and I figured if something is comming, that might be the best state of mind to receive it from. So I set out to paint my porch.

I was about halfway done when it hit me.

This was my fifth shift (August 13, 2008)

(This is the big one. The reason for the post)

You have to be ready for the shift because if you're not ready, it can't happen!!

Suddenly (almost like my life flashing before my eyes), the whole story I just told you flashed through my head, and I realized the places where I "shifted" (I've never used that word to describe it before today)... and I remembered the Abraham-Hicks video I watched this morning and posted here about "Allowing Your Vibrational Escrow" and the Abraham-Hicks summary at the beginning of this post ... and all the struggling people I've been wishing I could help..... and all the things I learned when I shifted...that I had heard a million times and already knew... but I didn't absorb them fully and actualize them in my life untill I was ready to shift there. Then there was more of that new "moved to tears" bit. Incredible amounts of emotion. It was almost painful. Like... when you look at your baby, and you love them so much, your chest aches with it. That's what I felt.

So that's it. Now you all know WAY more about me than you ever thought you would and I've TOLD you way more about me than I ever thought I would LOL. Believe it or not, this is the briefest summary of my life that there is.

The point is... Abraham is right... once you find the flow, and reach for what feels good.... you do get where you want to be... and it does happen over time.. (in shifts, if you will LOL)... I didn't realize how far I've come in such a short period of time. Once it all REALLY started to click... it really rolled.

There is hope. You WILL find your way. You are exactly where you are meant to be. Start where I did and realize... how can you find joy where you are if you don't first accept that you're there?

Sorry again for the length. If you made it this far, pat yourself on the back and have a cookie!

Loving This Life!!
El Baugher .... Master of the Universe!

Fantastic Abraham-Hicks Video

I found this super fantastic video on youtube from Abraham-Hick. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Allowing Your Vibrational Escrow

Monday, August 11, 2008

Gratitude Begets Gratitude

This has been just a phenomenal week for me! It started last Tuesday when my Hubby took our boys and went to our local county fair for the entire evening. I was really ready for that break. Then on Wednesday, they did it again! Two whole evenings from 6pm till 11pm all alone in a quiet house. SUPERB!

I expressed a great deal of gratitude and appreciation to my Hubby and the Big U for those evenings and that time alone. I got a lot of things done in the time I had also. I was really in "The Zone" both nights and the hours of seclusion proved to be quite productive.

Then on Saturday, my mother wanted to take my boys for the night. I'm not one to say no to an evening alone with my Hubby so I packed up a few things for them and off we went to my mother's house. I expressed a great deal of gratitude to the Big U for the time to spend alone with my Hubby because we don't get a whole lot of that.

Here's where we found the mini van from my vision board on the way back home (Check the August 10, 2008 entry for that story!). I'm STILL super excited about my new van. I've expressed MORE than a great deal of gratitude to the Big U for my beautiful new van.

Then Sunday, Hubby took the boys AGAIN and went back to the county fair because the boys wanted to see the truck shows and tractor pulls. They left at 11am and didn't get back until 9pm. And for me.... yes, another SUPER productive day.

I've just been ooooozing gratitude and appreciation for the last week.

Those are the bigger things that have happened this week. I have to mention how I don't think I waited at a single red light this week too. I also found great parking spaces and things I wanted on sale. Three different times with three different songs, I had a song in my head and turned on the radio and the song was playing.

Today at the grocery store, I couldn't find the tortilla chips I wanted. I bent down and grabbed a bag of pretzels and when I stood back up, there was the chips I wanted. It was the only bag in the whole aisle, it wasn't where it belonged, and I would SWEAR it wasn't there when I looked 2 seconds earlier.

Even this post brought me a synchronicity. I was thinking about how powerful the Law of Attraction is as I typed the post title "Gratitude Begets Gratitude". Then I thought... hmmm begets? ... is that the word I want?.... So I typed it into Yahoo search and clicked the site that was the first in the list. Here's the definition that looked back at me...

"to cause; produce as an effect: a belief that power begets power."

I just laughed. I love a synchronistic life!

Seems that everything in my life has been effortlessly falling into place this week. I've been very grateful and very relaxed. "Going with the flow" as Abraham would say.

The more gratitude I feel, the more the Big U sends my way for me to be grateful for.
Gratitude begets gratitude. I hope you're all leading the life you want.

Peace & Love,
El Baugher


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The Smiling Spirit
Memoirs of a Domestic Goddess Finding Joy in Life!!



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