Friday, July 04, 2008

Brief Thoughts on the Mayan Calendar and 2012

With the year 2012 quickly approaching, I’ve heard alot of talk about the Mayan Calendar. There are many who deny that anything at all will happen. They liken it to Y2K - A whole lotta hype for nothing.

My Gram (who couldn’t have been more religious if she TRIED) always told me that Christ (I believe it’s the Christ consciousness, not the man himself) would return aprox. 2000 years after his death. I always wondered what part of the Bible that was in.

Anyway, I found a book on 2012 and read it and found it very interesting. I’m all about LOA and creating your own reality. I’ve been an avid student for years. I have to wonder though, what are the energies of the universe itself, outside of earth and even this galaxy capable of?

It’s been determined that if 1/10th of 1% of stars in our galaxy alone had 1 planet each that could support life, that would equal aprox. 10 MILLION planets similar to earth. IN OUR GALAXY ALONE!!! Scientists estimate there’s ONE BILLION other galaxies in the observable universe. If 1/10th of 1% of THOSE held life also, that’s a mind boggling 10 BILLION planets like Earth.

It’s obvious that our human consciousness is at a transition in our evolution. Spirituality is spreading like a welcome epidemic. If the other 10 billion possible life supporting, spiritual planets in our same Universe of Energy were ALSO at a similar point in their evolution, why isn’t it possible that on Dec. 21, 2012, we COULD experience some sort of Energy alignment that will enlighten our Spirits further?

I think denying the possibility is the same school of thought that refuses to acknowledge the paranormal or even the existence of Spirit.



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