Sunday, November 09, 2008

What's your backup plan?

What's your backup plan?
So, you've decided to use the law of attraction to consciously create within your experience. You get clear on what you want. You visualize yourself with your desire met. You feel your desire and live it in your mind. Then, if you're like most people, you do your best to let it go, but consciously or not, you're too invested in the outcome to truly let go. People fear the unhappiness they associate with not having their desire manifested. This is the main block to manifestation.

The ability to let go is directly affected by how attached one is to a specific outcome. If you feel that you can only be happy with outcome A, and outcome B is unacceptable, you're not going to be able to set an intention and let it go. You're going to worry that outcome B might happen, so to compensate, just in case, you formulate a backup plan.

Everyone is guilty of not having faith and having a backup plan at one time or another. Many people apply the law of attraction in this way and they don't manifest their intentions and after a few perceived failures, they give up LOA and label it BS. But in truth, they were applying the law of attraction the entire time, and it was working exactly as it's supposed to. I'll tell you how.

Intending Plan A
When you set an intention, the entire Universe swings into action to bring into manifest reality whatever your intention dictates. A wonderful example of this can be seen in your body. Your body began as a single cell. That single cell replicated only 50 times, but the finished product is a one hundred trillion celled living organism. You not only have one hundred trillion cells in your body (that's 100,000,000,000,000 or 1 billion, one hundred thousand times!), but there are approximately 250 DIFFERENT types of cells, and they all come from that single cell.

The most amazing part is that each individual cell, of all one hundred trillion, knows at all times what is happening with each of the other cells. There is constant communication happening and when one cell goes out of balance, every other cell in the body will synchronisticly compensate to resume the balance. Without constant non-local communication (from God or the Universe or whatever your word is), your cells wouldn't be able to work smoothly together and your body would fall apart.

Say you're sitting in a chair at your house and you have the thought, "I'd like a glass of water." Where does that thought come from? Not your brain. If a doctor could look inside your brain as you think a thought, he couldn't SEE it. He could see and measure the electrical activity that is initiated BY the thought (the energy), but the thought itself is invisible and without location. The thought comes from the observer. But the invisible, non-locatable thought alone creates the measurable energy.

So, plan A... I'd like a glass of water. Then you stand up, walk through the house, pour a glass of water and.... ta'da! Intention, Attention, Manifestation. I know, I know.... ya already knew ya could do that. But what did you actually do? You set an intention to have a glass of water. That invisible thought created instant energy in your brain which set off millions of neurons and nerves and cells and fluids and your large clump of a body instantly and without hesitation swung into action to move you toward your intention. Then the next thing you know, there you stand with your desire manifest in your hand. It all started with the invisible thought from the non-locality.

"Of course I can control my own body!" you say, but at it's essence, everything is your own body. You have the same control over your environment as you do over your body. When you set ANY intention, the same energy becomes from it and the Universe swings into action to make it so in the exact same way that it orchestrates your cells into action to fetch you a glass of water.

Creating Plan B
When you decide you want something and intend it to be so but make a plan B for just in case your desire doesn't manifest, you're telling the Universe that you want THAT, but since it won't come, you'll take THIS instead. Then guess what you get! Yup. You will ALWAYS manifest plan B.

Lets go back to that glass of water. There you sit in your chair, wanting your glass of water. Now, just in case the Universe can't organize your cells and help you launch into action to retrieve the water, you better figure out what you're gunna do because you're thirsty!!


That'd be dumb! Of course your body will do what you want it to. It always has before. You don't know exactly HOW it works, but you know it works and it's pretty darn reliable. You decide what you want and your body moves in the direction of it.

That's how the entire Universe operates. The thing about plan B is.... it's also an intention. It doesn't matter that it's your "only if plan A doesn't work" intention. You thought (intended) "What if the Universe can't organize my cells into action?! I'd better plan on being thirsty." and so the Universe gave you thirsty, and it will ALWAYS give you thirsty if that's what you're planning on.

So, think about what you want because each thought is an intention of it's own. And when you know what you want, plan on it.

Don't sit and plan to be thirsty!

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All rights reserved.Written By: El Baugher - Law of Attraction, Conscious Living & Loving Life!


JM said...

Not only did I happen to read this when I have been really reconnecting the similarities between our bodies as one magnificent self-sustaining organism and the entirety of our Universe as the same type of magnificence...but I was eating some pretzels as I read this article...and found myself dying of thirst, but feeling my sluggish body not wanting to get up to get water, at the same time as you began speaking about Plan B. I instantly stood up and got my water.

I love it.

Love love love it!

El Baugher said...

What a wonderful synchonicity for you :)
I'm glad you enjoyed my post. Thanks for you comment!


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