Sunday, July 13, 2008

LOA - When to Take Action

I've heard a lot lately about "Action vs Allowing" when it comes to the LOA.

How can you be allowing the Universe to send you what you desire when you're taking action on your own? Doesn't taking action mean you don't have faith that the big U will deliver as promised? The answer to this is, NO!

Working hard and stressing and worrying and trying to "get it together" is an example of not having faith. When you place an order with the big U, your desire is on it's way to you as soon as you ask. It may take varying amounts of time for different desires to manifest in form, but the process has begun as soon as you "want". Look around after you put an intention out. You'll see the synchronicities begin, usually within 24-48 hours.

What's a synchronicity? Have you ever gotten a new car, for instance, then after your purchase, suddenly you see that kind of car everywhere? That's a synchronicity.

Wikipedia defines this as: Synchronicity is the experience of two or more events which occur in a meaningful manner, but which are causally un-related. In order to be 'synchronistic', the events must be related to one another temporally, and the chance that they would occur together by random chance must be very small.

The synchronicities happen after you place an order with the big U. They're like the U letting you know that your order is on it's way. Steve Pavlina calls it the "alpha reflection". I think of it as little drips of vibration that manifest before the tidal wave of manifestation occurs.

So, with that said.... here is my own personal process of intention/manifestation and working with the LOA.

When I ask, then let it go.... my action part comes when the flow brings me the opportunities, people or resources that will help me and make my goal EASIER.

Money for instance. If I need an extra $200 this month....

#1. I write in my gratitude journal about the wealth and abundance I already have.

#2. I tell the Universe that I'm open to receiving an extra $200 this month and ask for assistance in finding it.

#3. I let the intention go out into the Universe KNOWING that something will now happen that will lead me to where I need to be.

#4. I take INSPIRED action. The universe sends me the synchronicities to tell me my request is "cooking" and when one of the synchronicities presents the opportunity or person or resource that I need to easily manifest my request, I act upon it.

May you manifest all your desires,

El Baugher



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