Saturday, May 16, 2009

Telling a Better Story vs Accepting What Is

The other day, Ash and I were talking about the difference between;

1. Accepting where you currently ARE in life in order to turn in the direction of your desired intent.


2. Constantly telling the story the way you WANT it to be in order to turn things around by maintaining your good vibes.

There's a big difference between those two approaches and if you're thinking that one is the way to go while the other is just a bad idea, you're right. But are you sure you know which way will get you where you want to be?

Many of the current day gurus like Abraham-Hicks and Dr. Wayne Dyer tell us to ignore what IS and focus on telling the story of what we WANT in our lives. I believe many people CAN'T do this because they feel like they're lying and many people fail with this approach because they ARE lying.

You can't lie to yourself. You already know the truth as you see it. You can't SEE your truth and deny it's there and lie to yourself. You can lie to EVERYONE else if you want to, but your subconscious is way too quick for that.

"But if I admit what's wrong with my life, I'll get more of it and that's not what I want."

The Universe is like an all knowing GPS device. There you are in your car driving down a highway going in the wrong direction. You want directions from your GPS system to get turned around and on a different highway. First, disable the tracking in your car so the GPS doesn't know where you are currently located. Then tell it what highway you want to be on, and affirm that you're already ON that highway with everything you say.

That would SO not get you anywhere good.

You need to say "I AM HERE!" and then say "I WANT TO BE THERE!"

It's not admitting what IS that holds you back from where you want to be. The thing that holds you back is your strong FEELINGS about what IS.

The balance is accepting what currently IS with as much surrender as you can muster. After all, why resist the current moment? The current moment already IS. Resistance implies you can change it by denial.

Surrendering to the current situation doesn't mean admitting defeat either. It simply means that you say, "Okay... This is what's happening now." Then you put your focus on your desired outcome and say, "Where do I go from here?"

You'll be guided. All you have to do it stay awake! Asking the Universe things like "Where do I go from here?" can unleash a mild trickle or a flood. It really depends on how relaxed and happy you stay and your level of faith. You must have faith. Know that you're deserving of what you want and that the Universe is sending you signs always.

Remember, no athlete ever got stronger by denying that they had a weakened area. No addict ever recovered by denying the existence of their addiction.

It's truly imperative to know where you currently stand in order to move in the direction you want to move it.



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