Monday, August 11, 2008

Gratitude Begets Gratitude

This has been just a phenomenal week for me! It started last Tuesday when my Hubby took our boys and went to our local county fair for the entire evening. I was really ready for that break. Then on Wednesday, they did it again! Two whole evenings from 6pm till 11pm all alone in a quiet house. SUPERB!

I expressed a great deal of gratitude and appreciation to my Hubby and the Big U for those evenings and that time alone. I got a lot of things done in the time I had also. I was really in "The Zone" both nights and the hours of seclusion proved to be quite productive.

Then on Saturday, my mother wanted to take my boys for the night. I'm not one to say no to an evening alone with my Hubby so I packed up a few things for them and off we went to my mother's house. I expressed a great deal of gratitude to the Big U for the time to spend alone with my Hubby because we don't get a whole lot of that.

Here's where we found the mini van from my vision board on the way back home (Check the August 10, 2008 entry for that story!). I'm STILL super excited about my new van. I've expressed MORE than a great deal of gratitude to the Big U for my beautiful new van.

Then Sunday, Hubby took the boys AGAIN and went back to the county fair because the boys wanted to see the truck shows and tractor pulls. They left at 11am and didn't get back until 9pm. And for me.... yes, another SUPER productive day.

I've just been ooooozing gratitude and appreciation for the last week.

Those are the bigger things that have happened this week. I have to mention how I don't think I waited at a single red light this week too. I also found great parking spaces and things I wanted on sale. Three different times with three different songs, I had a song in my head and turned on the radio and the song was playing.

Today at the grocery store, I couldn't find the tortilla chips I wanted. I bent down and grabbed a bag of pretzels and when I stood back up, there was the chips I wanted. It was the only bag in the whole aisle, it wasn't where it belonged, and I would SWEAR it wasn't there when I looked 2 seconds earlier.

Even this post brought me a synchronicity. I was thinking about how powerful the Law of Attraction is as I typed the post title "Gratitude Begets Gratitude". Then I thought... hmmm begets? ... is that the word I want?.... So I typed it into Yahoo search and clicked the site that was the first in the list. Here's the definition that looked back at me...

"to cause; produce as an effect: a belief that power begets power."

I just laughed. I love a synchronistic life!

Seems that everything in my life has been effortlessly falling into place this week. I've been very grateful and very relaxed. "Going with the flow" as Abraham would say.

The more gratitude I feel, the more the Big U sends my way for me to be grateful for.
Gratitude begets gratitude. I hope you're all leading the life you want.

Peace & Love,
El Baugher



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