Thursday, October 09, 2008

Fantastic Day

Hi Everyone!

I am having just a FANTASTIC day and I thought I'd share it.

I headed out my door to go grocery shopping first thing this morning.I slept well last night and we had a smooth morning, so I was singing to myself and in a really happy mood. When I got to the store, I parked way in back (Thank you for strong legs that work!) and as I was walking through the lot, there was an older lady putting the last of her bags in her trunk, so I walked right up to her and said, "Good Morning!... I'll take that cart for ya!" She smiled pleasantly and thanked me and I walked away with "Have a great day!".

So now I have my cart, and into the store I go. I'm shopping and singin to myself and about 15 minutes later, I passed a lady in an aisle. She was at least 55, and the 2 yr old in her cart was obviously her grand daughter. I smiled at them both and said, "Now,what aisle did you find that in? (pointing to the baby) I've been lookin for one of those and I didn't think you could get them here! "They both smiled and the lady took the opprotunity to brag a little about her angelic looking grandchild.

And, off I go... to continue my shopping. A couple aisles later, I encountered these 2 ladies, probably each at least 70. They smiled fondly at eachother and embraced in a quick hug as I was passing and I turned and said, "You giving those away for free today?".... "I sure am!" the lady closest to me said.... then she grabbed me and gave me a big hug! Her companion looked utterly stunned! It was hysterical. I hugged her back and told her she made my day. She agreed and said, "Can't be a bad day if you're happy enough to hug astranger!"

And, off I go... again... I finish my shopping and get in line at the check-out. There's this frazzled looking young mother. Probably no more than 20, with a cart filled to the top, and a very distraut 2 yrold begrudgingly buckled into the cart seat, screaming her little head off. So, I got in line behind them. I stood there and played with the baby and tried to keep her happy while her exhausted mother was unloading her cart onto the conveyer belt.

Finally I was out of the store, pushing my cart full to my van. I loaded everything into the back, got in, turned the key.... nothing. It did this the other day. Hubby said turn it on, off, on, off. Something inside the starter is freezing up. If it does it again,we'll get a new starter. Before, I turned it on and off and couple times and the starter kicked in and the van started. This time, no such luck. I called my Hubby (Thank you for a Husband that drives a tow truck!) at work and he said to keep trying it and if it starts,call.... and he'd be on his way in about 10 minutes.

I forgot I have 2 insulated freezer bags in my van, so I dug them out and got in back and stuffed all my frozen and fridge stuff in them. I got a small snack and sat in silence watching the people go about their lives, periodically trying to get the starter to unfreeze. I've been intending to attract a good sized lump sum of money recently and yesterday, our tenants called to say they were moving and wouldn't be paying next month. I didn't let my brain panic. I thought... whatever happens will help us and be good. Then shortly after, the idea to advertise the house for sale struck me so we're doing that. (My lump sum maybe?) Then I realized October is a 5 Friday month. There's an extra $500 for the month. Cool!

Now I'm sitting here wondering how needing a new starter for my van fits into receiving money. Seems more like a quick way to get rid of some. Then I thought... No, there might be an opprotunity waiting or a person to meet.. I know the Universe is on the right track and I will not judge the means! Then the sexy tow truck driver arrived (Hubby.. obviously). He climbed under the van and gave the starter a WHACK to see if it would unfreeze.... nothing. He's quiet a minute, then says, "Start er up babe!" I turned the key and it started right up. He stood up and said, "Just a loose wire. I'll take off the bolt and tighten it all up when I get home."

YAY! I don't need a new starter! He smiled and said the call out was going to run me 2 kisses. I paid the man, and headed home with a big cheesey grin on my face. I arrived home and started unloading bags. All my frozen foods were outside of a freezer for almost an hour and a half total... still frozen solid in my insulated little bags!

It's A Wonderful Life!



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