Monday, October 13, 2008

Confronting My Ego Monster

I had to confront my ego today. Someone said some not so very nice things about my belief in LOA. It was on someone else's blog and I felt an instant urge to run straight there and defend myself and my beliefs. I read and reread what this guy said and got more and more indignant and plain ol' PISSED OFF by the second.

Here's what I know:

#1. This feeling I was feeling has started every single war that has ever been started.
#2. It in no way stops me from believing the way I do.
#3. He can't take my peace away from me. I can only be indignant and GIVE it to him.

It took me about 5 minutes to calm down. 5 minutes and an angry venting post on a forum of my LOA friends. By the time I'd made it to the bottom of the post I was typing, I was calm and laughing at how badly I'd flown the sanity-coop.

As humans, we REALLY want to be right. I was ready to go flip out on some guy just to try to prove to him that I was right. In truth, he can think that I'm a certifiable nut case and it doesn't change anything. Not one single thing in my reality can change because of what someone else thinks about me unless I invite and allow it to.

Here's part of my vent:

*I don't need anyone to validate me... or validate the way I believe the Universe works. I don't need anyone to tell me that LOA works because I see it for myself. I also don't need to convince anyone that LOA works. If they can't see it, then it's not their time to see it. I can't force them to be conscious enough to accept their own hand in what their lives have become.*

It's not my job to convince anyone or "save" anyone. Only you can save yourself. If someone wants to live the life of a victim, they can't be empowered by force. One thing I do find amusingly ironic.... I spend my time mastering my thoughts. I am consciously directing my thought patterns toward good feeling thoughts and ideas. I don't worry uncontrollably because I know that my thoughts are directing my life, and I watch things march right into my life after I focus my thoughts on them. Somehow, skeptics say I've lost my mind.... when in truth, I not only possess a strong mind, but I have very precise control over it. Irony amuses me :)

I hope you're creating the life of your dreams!


Anonymous said...

Hi El,

I follow you to here from your posted on 'someone else's blog' that you mentioned above. :)

I believe in LoA and thanks for the fantastic marketing of 'The Secret'. If without that great marketing, I may not discover clearly how-to lead my own life successfully as today.

I was very exciting reading The Secret. From then on, I did intensive research through YouTube for video and bookstore for related-to-the-secret books to gain more understand on item 3.

My life getting better especially the way I think and feel.

Nice to meet you here.


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