Tuesday, August 26, 2008

How to Meditate - Energy Movement Method

I meditate 3 times each day. I'm not on a schedule or anything and it didn't start this way. When I started to meditate, I did it once a night. I read Eckhart Tolle's book, A New Earth, and in it, he describes going into the "Now" by feeling the energy in your hands.

Up until this point, I always felt very frustrated when I'd try to meditate because I could never "turn my mind off" like I'd heard I was supposed to. But when I tried his method, it really worked for me.

Here's what I do:

  • Take a couple deep breaths and relax.
  • Close your eyes and without moving, with only your body awareness, find your hands.
  • Feel your hands. Each finger, finger tip, palm, nail, skin.... the energy... the tingle...
  • Once you feel the tingle... just breathe into it. Feel it grow stronger... almost vibrate.
  • Now move the energy. Energy follows attention, so move your attention (body awareness) up your arm a little. Maybe to your elbow. Feel it swirl around and move back to your hands. Move it back and forth a few times feeling the tingle grow each time.

Enjoy the warm tingling sensation in your body. What you feel is your energy. The energy that pulses through you, that animates you... that makes you "alive". The energy that controls your vibration, health, manifestations.... everything. I have personally healed myself of severe burns by building energy around it. You can read about it HERE if you'd like. Once I adjusted to building the energy in my body, which didn't take long; maybe 5-6 days, I expanded my meditation to this:

  • After completing the above steps, you now have tingling hands and arms.
  • Now, holding the tingle.... move your awareness to your feet. Repeat the above steps, only do it for your lower body.
  • Keep going back to your hands and arms and try to keep the energy humming in them also.
  • After you've adjusted to having your feet humming too, try bringing the tingle together in your torso so you're moving energy through your whole body.

This is the meditation method I started with. I would take a nice hot shower and relax before bed. I'd climb under the covers and lie on my back with my arms and hands down at my sides and go into my hands and start my meditation. From the first night I did it, I noticed a difference in the quality of my sleep. I also noticed a jump in remembered dream activity, and I started having lucid dreams within the first week. I found myself "going into my hands" in my dreams and that was enough to wake me IN my dream.

If this works for you, I'd LOVE to hear about your experience!



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