Friday, October 10, 2008

Believe it and Be it

I was watching "Grey's Anatomy" on my DVR this morning and I was struck by a character appearing on this episode. He was a man of about 45 who spent most of the episode listing off the long list of things that had gone wrong in his life.

The complainer filled every room he was in with a litany of grievances about his life. He complained about things that had happened years before and that are currently happening now. He wasn't even angry though. He seemed defeated, like he woke up every day expecting life to shit on him. He said things like, "God hates me" and "It can't get worse than this" constantly. I've known people like this in my life and it always amazes me that they spend their days repeating affirmations like that and never realize they're only getting what they asked for.

Anyway... The complainer needed a major surgery and considered not having it because he hated his crappy life and thought he might prefer to die from whatever was ailing him. One of the doctors said to him, "You have to have SOMETHING to live for. Even the possibility of something." and that's what got him. He thought of a woman he wanted to talk to, but had never had the courage, and the doc said, "Well, this surgery will change your luck, and then you can say hello."

The guy's attitude changed. He seemed uplifted by such an idea as a change in luck and a second chance. This uplifted attitude was the one he had as he went in for surgery. The climax of the show was the water pipe crisis. The ceiling of the complainer's O.R. collapsed mid surgery, and the unconscious man, with chest open, got covered in debris and unsanitary water. While the surgeons were trying to clean the man up and digging through his body cavity checking for debris, they found a tumor on his pancreas.

They lead the viewer to believe that this guy has every reason to believe God hates him going into commercial, but upon return, we learn that the tumor is cancer, which is generally terminal by the time it's found on the pancreas, but because of the ceiling collapse and debris, the doctors were digging where they shouldn't have been and they found the cancer in stage 1 and removed it. The man was going to be fine and live a long and happy life and it's all because of his bad luck.

I know this is only a television show, but things like this happen all the time. Ok, not night time tv drama stuff to a tee, but I'm talking concepts here! People walk around constantly complaining about their lives and the people they know and their jobs and their family. How can a person expect God to give them anything other than what they're asking for?

But in the end of the show, it works out to the complainer's highest good. In the end, he has a shift in his vibe and looks forward to what he DOES want, the woman.. or at least the CHANCE to just talk to her, and with this amazing feeling of excited anticipation, he goes under the knife and when the crisis happens, the one that would've left him saying "Why does this always happen to me?!", instead it's the event that saves his life. I don't believe things like that happen on accident. I think when you expect good things, you get good things. If you're waiting for the sky to fall, then I hope you have your umbrella handy, but of course you would.... you'd have brought it anticipating the fall!

You don't have to live up to anything. You can't fail anyone but yourself. You are loved and all is well. You have created your world to be exactly as you believe it has to be. If you want to change your life, the first step is to stop believing that it has to be the way it is.

In truth, it can be any way you want it to be. In the words of Cat Stevens - Well, if you want to sing out, sing out. And if you want to be free, be free. There's a million things to be, you know there are.

Peace & Love,


Anonymous said...

The missing 'key' to the law of attraction is ACTION. It's great to believe and feel what you truly want, but you must remember to take action when the moment calls for it.

El Baugher said...

But you have to remember... inspired action is the key. You can take action all day long and get nowhere. It's asking for what you want, focusing on it, and then recognizing the actions that are synchronistic to your intention.


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