When I'm preparing to set an intention using the Law of Attraction, I use what I call, "My Path Pavers" first. This is the very first step for me in my conscious creating. You may call this step anything you wish, but skipping this step will not help you. You must pave the path for your intentions so the path is clear for their manifestation.
My Path Pavers (Using money manifestation as an example)
- Know what it is that you DO NOT want. Don't dwell on what you don't want or give it a lot of thought or let your mind run away with it and create a script of he said, I said, she said. Just acknowledge. In this case, for ME... I don't want to feel lack. I don't want to reach in my pocket and find nothing. I don't want to pay all my bills for the month and have no money left. This step should be done in your head. Writing is a very powerful tool, and I don't recommend giving form (by writing) to what you don't want. This step is just your "jumping off place".
Now, by knowing what I don't want, it helps me clarify what i DO want, which brings us to the next step in Path Paving. - Know what it is that you DO want. Be careful not to add any negative words here. The Big U doesn't know what "NO" means. So, don't say, "I want no bills" or "I want to have no more bills" because in BOTH sentences, you told the Big U that "I want bills". In the instance of our money example, what you do want would be something like this: "I want to have an abundance of money left over at the end of the month that I may use as I wish"
This second step should be written. Writing is a very powerful LOA tool. It not only helps you send your intentions out into the Big U for manifestation, but it also can be reread at your leisure which helps to keep you vibrating at the level of what you want. I have a 3 subject notebook. I use the first section for my "Path Pavers", the second for my gratitude journal, and the third for listing my synchronicities and manifestations. It keeps all my LOA journaling in one place which I find VERY convenient. - Using the energy from your "what I DO want" section (because you'll be feeling good and happy after thinking about what you want) , create a simple and easy to remember affirmation. In this example, my affirmation would be, "There is always extra money coming to me!" You must believe in your affirmation, so don't make it all fancy or anything you'd consider BS. This one is short, sweet, and simple. By saying "always" you leave the door open for the money to begin to flow at any time. How many times have you found a penny on the ground, or a dollar in your old pants pocket? These are small and simple ways of demonstrating how there really IS always extra money coming to you. This DOES happen and it makes using the affirmation so much easier. Don't put restrictions on HOW the money comes or the denomination in which it comes. Just know that it comes, always has, and will continue.
Affirmations help to reprogram you mind to think in terms of want and abundance as opposed to thinking in terms of need and lack. If you think of how much you NEED something and how it's lacking in your life, guess what.... that's exactly what you'll get, NEED and LACK. Affirmations work very well when used alone, but I find that it really adds an extra punch if you can visualize at the same time. This brings us to the next step. - Create or add to your vision board. When you can pick out a specific picture that directly relates to that which you want and are affirming to have, it helps the Big U to manifest all the faster. I highly recommend a vision board even if you don't use it in conjunction with an affirmation. The way I use my vision board for my Path Paver is this.... The picture I picked for this example is just a simple green dollar sign. I would affix a green dollar sign to my vision board that I would look at a few times a day. Now that I have a picture in my head that I'm associating with my intention, when I say or think my affirmation, I'll see this picture in my minds eye. It helps your mind to focus on what you want. In the past, I found that trying to picture an event didn't work well for me because my mind would run away with me. For example: If I pictured paying my bills and having cash in my hand when I was finished, my mind would grab on somewhere in the middle and wander off in thought about paying bills or paying for something else, or "oh yeah, I'll need money for (fill in the blank), etc... Seeing just the simple, unmoving picture that I associate with getting what I want kept my mind from running off.
- Write in your gratitude journal. If you don't have one, I implore you to create one. The Law of Attraction says, that which is like, unto itself is drawn. You will not attract money from a place of lacking, needing, or poverty. You must find that which makes you feel rich and abundant and be thankful for it if you are ever to receive MORE abundance. I try to write at least 3 or 4 things that I'm thankful for in my gratitude journal everyday. Some people do it at night before bed, I like to do it in the morning. I find that being and feeling grateful first thing in the morning sets the tone for my abundant and wonderful day. You should write whenever it suits YOU though. Day AND night if you wish. This is, after all, your experience and no one else's. You must do that which makes YOU feel good. If you feel good, you're vibrating at the rate of that which you want to attract. Any way you get there that works is good for you!
- The final step in my Path Paver is to pray. I'm not affiliated with any specific religion but I still pray. I start my prayer with being thankful for the abundance I already have. I ask for what I want. I thank the Big U for helping me. I'm done. Don't ask for money, then launch into all the reasons you need or want it. That is self defeating. The Big U doesn't CARE why you want it, it only cares that you DO want it.
*Thank you Great Spirit for the amazing abundance in my life. I have more than I could ever have wanted and I live in appreciation every moment of every day. I'm open to receiving extra money this month. I know it will manifest for my greatest good and well-being. Thank you for giving me life and the wonderful experiences therein. Amen*
That's it. We've just set the intention to receive extra money this month and done everything we can to clear the path for that desire to manifest. Next, I'll talk about what I do every day to keep my vibration up so I don't cancel out my intention before it arrives.
Peace & Love,
El Baugher (aka The Smiling Spirit)