Friday, July 04, 2008

Brief Thoughts on the Mayan Calendar and 2012

With the year 2012 quickly approaching, I’ve heard alot of talk about the Mayan Calendar. There are many who deny that anything at all will happen. They liken it to Y2K - A whole lotta hype for nothing.

My Gram (who couldn’t have been more religious if she TRIED) always told me that Christ (I believe it’s the Christ consciousness, not the man himself) would return aprox. 2000 years after his death. I always wondered what part of the Bible that was in.

Anyway, I found a book on 2012 and read it and found it very interesting. I’m all about LOA and creating your own reality. I’ve been an avid student for years. I have to wonder though, what are the energies of the universe itself, outside of earth and even this galaxy capable of?

It’s been determined that if 1/10th of 1% of stars in our galaxy alone had 1 planet each that could support life, that would equal aprox. 10 MILLION planets similar to earth. IN OUR GALAXY ALONE!!! Scientists estimate there’s ONE BILLION other galaxies in the observable universe. If 1/10th of 1% of THOSE held life also, that’s a mind boggling 10 BILLION planets like Earth.

It’s obvious that our human consciousness is at a transition in our evolution. Spirituality is spreading like a welcome epidemic. If the other 10 billion possible life supporting, spiritual planets in our same Universe of Energy were ALSO at a similar point in their evolution, why isn’t it possible that on Dec. 21, 2012, we COULD experience some sort of Energy alignment that will enlighten our Spirits further?

I think denying the possibility is the same school of thought that refuses to acknowledge the paranormal or even the existence of Spirit.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

LOA & Vision Boards

Hello Friends!

Today I've been thinking about the Law of Attraction. This topic has been on the edge of my mind for over a week now.

I've decided that a "vision board" is a must have and I'm going to work on one of my own tomorrow. I couldn't decide what I should do next, so I asked Spirit for some guidance and before I knew what hit me, all I saw and heard about was vision boards.

For any of you who aren't familiar with what a vision board is, a vision board is an area where you can glue/tape/write/draw/etc.. words and pictures pertaining to the things you want to manifest. If you want a new car, you don't have to paste a picture of a car on your vision board. You can affix in any way you wish, anything that makes YOU think about your new car. The point is.... you put pictures and words and whatever else you want on this "vision board" and in doing this, you're releasing it into the hands of Spirit to manifest in perfect time for your greatest good. It's like a "Law of Attraction Wall" so to speak.

Now, materials needed.... no problem! Anyone, and I mean ANYONE has what they need to do this. I promise! Essentially, if you have 1 piece of paper and a pen or pencil, you on your way to a vision board.

For mine, here's what I'm going to do. I have a roll of brown paper. Thick stuff, like brown paper bag. I'm going to roll out a 3 or 4 foot section and cut it off. Then, because I don't have any magazines, I'm going to use my boys' crayons and draw pictures, and use post-it note to write on. It's not much, but it's a start.
I've seen vision boards made of:

  • Printer paper taped together to make one 3x3 ft page.
  • Cork boards
  • Dry-erase Boards
  • Mirrors
  • Cabinet Sides
  • Refrigerator Doors
  • Just a small section of bare wall.

Really, the possibilities are endless. I'm going to hang mine in my gym in my basement. That way I can look at it and think about what's on it while I'm working out and already feeling good.

Make sure that wherever you put yours, it stays mobile. You'll want to be able to take it down and add to it or change what you already have if your intentions change. I'll post a picture of mine tomorrow after I get it together.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

An Abundance of Cats?


I had an interesting experience with the law of attraction today and I wanted to share it. I found it amusing.

I was sitting at my diningroom table this morning drinking my coffee and working on my laptop. I sat back in my chair and turned away from the screen to give my eyes a break and looked out the picture window into the back yard.

Now, we live in the country. If you see an animal in the back yard, it's one of our 3 cats or something wild (deer, turkey, squirrel, chipmunk, groundhog). Today, it was a black cat. I'd never seen this cat before and it high tailed it out of here when I called to it out the window.

"Huh *shrug*" I thought. That was different.....

When I went back to my laptop, I found myself drifting back to the cat in my mind. I wonder where it's from? I wonder if it has a home? (Wonder how we ended up with 3 cats? LOL) Weird to see a cat outside. I never see cats in our yard. Etc...

About two hours later, my boys wanted to go to the park and play, so I grabbed a book and off we went. I was sitting in my truck with the windows down enjoying the book I was reading. When I looked up to locate and check the status of my children, I found myself looking at a black cat being led through the playground by my six year old.

It made me chuckle. Spirit has an interesting sense of humor I think. LOL

Peace & Love,
El :)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Gratitude to the Universe

Greetings Friends!

I'm feeling absolutely inspired today. I have rolled through this wonderful day feeling so very grateful for the amazing abundance I've been blessed with. I cleaned my home and did some laundry and I loved every moment of it! The last straw was sitting down to organize my bills for the month of July and having an extra $100.

I'd sat down with my insurance office and changed some things around on my home owners insurance about 2 months ago. I hadn't given it a thought since. I just got a check in the mail from them for over payment. The escrow in my mortgage that automatically pays my insurance over payed. Right after I realized this, my husband took our boys and went over to my in-law's house to visit!

A super fantastic day capped off with unexpected money AND quiet time alone! I really don't know how this day could get any better, but I'm absolutely open to any suggestions the Universe might have!!! I hope you're also attracting wonderful experiences! If you're not, then what are you waiting for?!

Peace & Love,
El Baugher


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