Wednesday, October 08, 2008

What Are Affirmations?

Affirmations are short sentences that you repeat out loud or to yourself to achieve a desired effect. You can be, do or have anything you wish with only one catch. You must believe that you already have the desired effect you seek.

For example:

A person who wants to lose weight might make the affirmation; I'm SO happy that I am becoming more and more healthy everyday! or THIS IS SO EASY!

You tell your body and surroundings what to do with every thought you think according to The Law of Attraction. When you repeat positive, inspirational things... your world can't help but respond. Affirmations also reprogram you brain to think more naturally in the direction your affirmations turn it. When you consciously turn your thoughts to things you WANT, you relax into the flow of the Universe and the things you're consciously focusing on are able to come right to you.

When your thoughts are on what you DON'T want however, you are STILL relaxing into the flow of the Universe, and those things ALSO flow right to you. I believe the name for THAT is "Murphy's Law", which states, "If something could go wrong, it will" which is actually an affirmation in itself. You're telling the Universe that if there's a negative outcome, that's the outcome you'd like to see.

So if there's something that you want to have, or achieve, or even feel... making an affirmation or two to repeat to yourself daily might be a really good way for you to achieve the effect you desire.
Please Note: Affirmations aren't fool proof.

  • They're a tool that, when used correctly, can greatly increase the likelihood of a desirable outcome.

  • They must be articulated using positive words to work in a positive way.

  • They must be repeated daily, or more often if possible.

The Universe is going to send you whatever you're giving your focus to. Why not try making an affirmation to help you ask the Universe for the right things?



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