Back on October 16th, I posted here about "Confronting My Ego Monster" because I had a sudden urge to prove I was right when someone disagreed with me about The Law of Attraction. I am going to quote him here because I want you to understand the rest of this post.
Here's the comment that pissed me off:
*"I’m a great believer in positive thinking, I think affirmations and visualization can be very useful tools for personal development. But talk of a “Law” of attraction is just twaddle, there is no scientific justification for such claims. Proponents quote quantum physics, but there is no evidence that by sending out magnetic vibrations we can influence events - and get a parking space!!But if others find it useful, fine, so long as they do no harm to others (or start suggesting those suffering disease or famine haven’t been thinking properly)."*
So.... I ranted a little with some of my LOA friends, and I wrote a blog post about it. I needed to embrace and understand my irritation as opposed to burying it and letting it fester. I figured the best way to release my anger was to allow myself to FEEL it. Denial never served anyone.
The thing I kept thinking through it all was: I wish I knew MORE about quantum physics and the scientific angle of LOA so I would be able to explain it to someone who was so completely missing the point. Of course, in retrospect, that sure sounds like setting an intention. I didn't even realize I was doing it at the time. It wasn't a conscious intention. I was just angry and I'm not used to being unable to articulate exactly what I mean.
Now, I'm a member of I signed up for a free trial and forgot to cancel after 30 days. Isn't that just how it always works? LOL Audible sells downloadable audio books. On October 20th..... 4 days after I sent out the intention to know more and be able to explain quantum physics... I get an email from Audible. My new credits are available. CRAP! I forgot to cancel again. I browsed their metaphysical and self help sections and found nothing of interest to me which is why I'd intended to cancel in the first place.
Of course they won't allow you to cancel and give you back your money. You have to use your credit, then cancel. So I might as well go and see if I can find SOMETHING of interest. So I went. I got to my account page and there was a recommendation for me. They recommended *The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire - By: Deepak Chopra* I've read one other Deepak Chopra book and had enjoyed it, so I figured.... what the hell, nuttin to lose, and traded my credit for this book and downloaded it.
OH MY GOD! I began listening to it as soon as the download finished and I ended up sitting here for the full 6 hours and listened to the whole thing. Of COURSE the whole first half of the book was a dumb ass friendly explanation of quantum physics and how it related directly to The Law of Attraction. I now feel SO much more confident about my knowledge of quantum physics. I've never been a science person, so every other explanation I'd ever gotten was just slightly beyond my understanding. This book could not have been more perfect for me at this time. I really did get exactly what I wanted. And I didn't do anything to get it except to ask.
Of course I'm now going to very highly recommend this book! It is fantastic. The second half of the book was also just was I needed. I've felt kinda stuck. Not sure where to turn next. Wanting to further my personal and spiritual growth, but really unsure how or what to do now. Deepak walks you through, step by step. Tells all about how to get where and what to do once you're there. I found it to be one of the most enlightening books I've EVER read. I'm almost done listening to it for the second time and I ordered it from Amazon because I want to have it in print. Referencing specific chapters will be easier in print. It should be here today or Monday and I can't even TELL you how excited I am. If you have ANY questions about personal development or quantum physics, you have got to read this book.
I've also ordered a bunch of documentary style movies that are spiritual in nature. I will post about them as I watch and let yall know if they were worth the hype. I'm starting with "A Course in Miracles".
If you click this box, it will take you to a place where you can read an excerpt from the book.
Happy Creating,
Visit my homepage at The Smiling Spirit