Monday, September 01, 2008

Thoughts on Love and Relationships

Yesterday was my 10 year anniversary with my Hubby, and as I stood in my kitchen loading dishes into the dishwasher between loads of laundry, I realized I was doing dishes and laundry on my 10th anniversary! The funny part about this realization was the accompanying realization that.... it didn't bother me. As I stood intrigued by this line of thought I really started to apply my mind to it and here's what I decided....

Without exception, everyday, at least once, I think of or look at my husband and immerse myself in thoughts about how much I love him and how lucky I am to have him and how good he makes me feel and how this life just could not be the same without him. I think about how glad I am to be his wife and how I want nothing more than to lift him up and please him. Without exception, everyday, at least once, we sit together and talk about what happened in our day and what we expect to see in our tomorrow. We share our thoughts, ideas, dreams, musings, humor... always.

I realized that, I can do dishes and laundry on my 10th anniversary because, although I AM very excited about the mark of the occasion, I celebrate my marriage and honor my wonderful husband every single day.

When this thought occurred to me, I went into the garage to share the idea with my Hubby. I started from the beginning and told him basically the story I just told you. He agreed wholeheartedly. He said he thinks about how happy he is to have me in his life and how perfect our life is together all the time. And to only make a big deal one day a year would be a serious disrespect to our love and life together.

We didn't exchange gifts. We didn't go out to dinner. We spent the day at home doing our separate things (my laundry and his street rod) and playing with our children. We talked about our memories of years past, and shared laughter and hugs and kisses. Really, it was just like any other Sunday. We finished it off by going out for ice cream, which is something we do on Sundays through the summer. It was a perfect 10th anniversary.

So I guess that's the point of this post, which is good because I was starting to wonder if I actually HAD one LOL. Celebrate the things and people that you love and that are important to you every day. I feel as great about my marriage every single day as I do about it on the anniversary of the beginning. Don't go above and beyond to make people happy on occasion, do it everyday. You'll find that as you concentrate on lifting them up, you'll lift yourself as well.

Catch a Smile and Spread the Joy!


LITeacher said...

Love this story! I feel the same way. There have been many anniversaries when we didn't go out for dinner or celebrate in a special way. We celebrate eachother everyday! Just being together and living our lives together is all the celebration we need. I'm glad you enjoyed your day. I wish you 10 more wonderful years 10 times over.

Maureen :)

El Baugher said...

Thank you Maureen! I believe I will have all those years.

Anonymous said...

Finding your joy in the every truly living with an open heart, spirit. I love you EL, T

El Baugher said...

Thanx T!
Ya know I love you too!! You're the bestest!

See ya next week!


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