Tuesday, July 01, 2008

An Abundance of Cats?


I had an interesting experience with the law of attraction today and I wanted to share it. I found it amusing.

I was sitting at my diningroom table this morning drinking my coffee and working on my laptop. I sat back in my chair and turned away from the screen to give my eyes a break and looked out the picture window into the back yard.

Now, we live in the country. If you see an animal in the back yard, it's one of our 3 cats or something wild (deer, turkey, squirrel, chipmunk, groundhog). Today, it was a black cat. I'd never seen this cat before and it high tailed it out of here when I called to it out the window.

"Huh *shrug*" I thought. That was different.....

When I went back to my laptop, I found myself drifting back to the cat in my mind. I wonder where it's from? I wonder if it has a home? (Wonder how we ended up with 3 cats? LOL) Weird to see a cat outside. I never see cats in our yard. Etc...

About two hours later, my boys wanted to go to the park and play, so I grabbed a book and off we went. I was sitting in my truck with the windows down enjoying the book I was reading. When I looked up to locate and check the status of my children, I found myself looking at a black cat being led through the playground by my six year old.

It made me chuckle. Spirit has an interesting sense of humor I think. LOL

Peace & Love,
El :)



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