Sunday, December 14, 2008

Allowing the Calendar :)

I had the most perfect case of allowing yesterday.

I bought this desk calendar. You know the type... flat, no pictures, little plastic corner pieces that you tuck the bottom of the page into... made for sitting flat on your desk top. I can never find a good place for this kind of calendar, but I like them so much better than the standard calendar with the big picture and laminated pages that can be difficult to write on.

So... we normally hang the calendar on the basement door (right in the dining room) but I don't like it there. It's a pain when ya walk by or open and close the door. So I have this desk calendar and I don't want to put it in the old place, but I don't know what else to do with it, so I hang it half hearted, on the basement door just to keep it safe and dry.

I want a place to hang this where I'll see it all the time and it's safe and dry and not in my way. As soon as those words floated through my head, I knew it was the "intention".

I went back about my business of cleaning up the kitchen and doing laundry. I ended up digging in the junk drawer.... which BTW I think should be renamed the treasure drawer because seriously, there's ALWAYS neat stuff in there..... I don't remember what I was looking for, but there in the back of the drawer was a big roll of forgotten magnet. "I don't know what on earth I'm every gonna use that magnet roll for.." I thought, and went back to what I was doing.

I must mention that I've recently set an intention to "make peace" with where I am and what I'm doing. I've been having some trouble with that so I've been trying to do whatever needs done... and do it happily. So, I intend a place for this calendar, then turn my focus back to what I was doing, and go HAPPILY on my way.

Eventually, I was looking at our big black fridge. It was so messy. No room for anything. I started taking things down and reorganizing and wiping it all down. It's been a long time since I did this. So, as I'm cleaning and organizing it, I'm going through my gratitudes in my mind, "Thank you for this wonderful fridge that always works and keeps our food cold etc.." And as I cleaned the side that faces the dining room, I ended up with this big bare space that was the exact size of that calendar.

"Wow. this would be a perfect place for my calendar! How on earth could I hang it on the fridge without hurting the fridge?" I thought.I pondered this for a few minutes, but some kind of magnetic hook was the best I could come up with, but I don't have anything like that, that'd be strong enough to hold a calendar to the fridge. *Shrug*

And...on to the other sides of my messy fridge. I cleared them all, wiped them down and reorganized the things that were going back up. It looked so pretty when it was done. And really bare. I had so much crap on there. It's easy to collect a ton when ya have 2 little artists and A students in the house!

ALL DONE!! I walked over and sat in my chair. I sit at the dining room table, picture window right behind me, facing into the living room, large hutch to my right about 4 feet away and side of fridge to my left about 6 feet away. I turned in my chair and looked at the fridge. "That would be SUCH a perfect place for my calendar!" I thought....."But how??!"

Then it hit me... the roll of magnet in the TREASURE drawer! It's not really strong magnet, but if I put 2 or 3 long strips across the back of the calendar, it should hold it!! So I did...and it did... perfectly! Now I have my favorite kind of calendar, in the coolest style, in the most perfect place I could have imagined!

Contrast: I have a new calendar because I don't like the old one. I want a new place to hang it because I don't like the old one.
Intention: I want a place to hang this (calendar) where I'll see it all the time and it's safe and dry and not in my way.

Vibe Management: I went HAPPILY about my business. I didn't fret or worry or complain or give it anymore thought at all. I walked around my kitchen, dining room and laundry room "Cleaning to the Tune of Gratitude" (as I've coined it) and gave great thanks for everything around me and focused on feeling happy.

Take Inspired Action: I've wanted to clean off the fridge for weeks, but never seemed to get to it. Yesterday, I was on a roll and I just REALLY felt like having a clean fridge. I truly felt INSPIRED to do it. At the time, I thought the inspired feeling was coming from the other intention to "make peace with where I am" and maybe it partially did, but it WAS inspired action, and that's the point. I wasn't forcing anything. I was definitely inspired to act.

Get Quiet and Listen: After I cleared out the old and made room for the new, I sat and looked at it. I knew it would be a perfect space and I knew I wanted my calendar there. I focused in on it and cleared my mind and the answer I was seeking came right through. Then I saw the roll of magnet as the coincidence that it was, when I'd missed it at the time.

I know it may sound trite, but this was truly an awesome experience. It rolled together so fast, I was able to look back at the whole process. I believe that everything works in this way. Anything you want to bring into your life can flow in as easily as a perfect calendar space. The trick though, is that I wasn't attached to the outcome. I didn't really care where it ended up, so long as it wasn't where it's been. Something new, something fresh..... then I let it go. Let go of how or where or when. I knew I'd get there, and that knowing was all I needed to move on and continue with my day.

Everything you ever ask for is on it's way the moment you ask for it. The key is getting out of your own way and allowing it space to flow into.

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