Thursday, August 28, 2008

Out of My LOA Closet

Greetings Friends!

I had the best day today. I send my children off to school and Hubby off to work and I set out to have a good visit with a good friend of mine. With the kids being home for the summer, we hadn't had a good "sit down" for quite a while and we had some catching up to do.

I know a great amount of the people that I interact with online in forums and websites use the internet as their outlet for taking creative control of their lives with the Law of Attraction. A lot of them don't have anyone in their "real lives" that's in a place similar to them that they can talk to about their manifestations and get support from. I am one of those people. I get 95% of my creative support and encouragement from people online in group forums and communities.

I suppose up until this point, I've mostly kept my interest and application of the LOA to myself because I wasn't really equipped with enough knowledge to explain it without sounding crazy. I've spent a lot of time trying not to come off "weird" to people. Along this journey I've been on, when I looked into the Wiccan way... I SURE didn't tell anyone. My GOD what would people think if I decided to label myself a "witch". But, I believe I've reached a new precipice.

I've been listening to Wayne Dyer (Check out my "What I'm Reading" section -->)on my MP3 when I walk in the morning and yesterday he was talking about all the visionaries and philosophers and great people who've contributed to raising the consciousness of all of mankind, like plato and Di vinci and Emerson and more I can't name off the top of my head. The point was though, that people have gone on before us and DIED because they spread the word about how the Universe works and responds to your thoughts. And how you're not truly in alignment until you don't care any longer what people might think of you because you know that those judgements are only part of the JUDGER'S experience. What someone thinks about you has no affect on how you experience your life unless you allow it.

So I've been thinking about this since then. Now today, I find myself at my friend's house and she's one of the more spiritual people I know. She'll probably read this post too! Hi T. Well, I outed myself today. I came out of my LOA closet, so to speak. I kinda gushed a little at T's house and it felt good. It felt good to express how happy I am to another person, in person. I've decided that if people think I've lost my mind, I don't care. I'm too happy to feel bad.

I'm here.. I'm happy.. Get used to it!

Go out and find your Joy!

Happy Thursday!


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